The Next Berbatov

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Status Updates posted by The Next Berbatov

  1. If you dont have a gmail account , you dont have a gmail account :P

    1. Classic


      O_o TNB got crazy.

  2. In the offseason yes , we have members who have become a little inactive but during the season the posting was way better than we had when SP reopened.

  3. is Back...

    1. frstplce


      Sounds like time to take a break and celebrate. Good to have you back with us regularly again.

    2. The Next Berbatov
    3. Lukemeister


      back in business ;)

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  4. is bored of sitting at home and just playing Fifa and watching movies. I guess I ll have to hit the books again soon

    1. Classic


      Did you have your exams?

    2. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      Ya done with them. Have another exams in may.

  5. is busy hitting the books of Direct Taxes :|

    1. Classic


      Good luck mate, and concentrate more in physics if you have.

    2. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      I left physics quite a few years ago. Science is just not my thing and glad that I left it. :)

    3. Classic


      If it's not your thing, it's okay, wise choice...and Good Luck.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  6. is finally downloading Photoshop , hopefully will do something productive with it.

    1. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      Download CS 4 version.

    2. frstplce


      At least that one is still pretty simple, and doesn't require modifying your HOSTS files like CS5 does.

    3. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      I havent used photoshop before so might download tutorials or check on youtube. If I have the time and its anything good I ll post some stuff.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  7. is going on a trip for 2 days tomorrow.

    1. ScHoolboy Q
    2. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      Thanks Islam. I am back now but taking a nice nap before the champions league late night matches.

  8. is loving the Rain

    1. Sam'


      i enjoyed too :))

  9. is off for a vacation. Will be back after a week :)

    1. BenMWard


      Have fun mate :)

    2. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      Thanks mate. Keeo the forum alive, it seems it is dead without me.

    3. frstplce


      No one posts like you do. I hope to get in a vacation this year myself. Though I think everything except my toothbrush connects to the Internet, so it's not like I'd be able to stay away from the site.

  10. is on SS using my samsung galaxy note

    1. frstplce


      I use my HP Touchpad sometimes. You may find some functions are a bit off, but it works pretty well for most things.

    2. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      Its works more than just pretty. With my nokia I could hardly manage to use SS on mobile version but with samsung note I could use every dam feature on it. Chat , PM and everything.

  11. is planning on writing 2 articles starting tonight. One is a United one and the other about Barcelona. If anyone is interested in helping me do message me. :)

  12. is playing Snakes on youtube

  13. Islam lets just keep the transfer discussions of Kaka as well in the Transfer Rumours thread not in the kaka thread. I moved your post yesterday havent done it today .

  14. Just changed my display name from TNB

    1. The Next Berbatov
    2. highbury


      Who are you and what have you done with Rahul? :)

    3. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      Rahul will be back after a month or so ;)

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  15. Just realised, sleeping is like sitting in a time machine, you close your eyes and open them and voila.. u r in the future.. either that or I cant get enough sleep...

  16. Life is so much funnier when you have a dirty mind

  17. lol I did not notice that you posted the reply on your profile only. Yes , I am a ManUtd fan

  18. lol i just got 2 more reps. Somebody messed it up for you. Now dont negative rep me :P

  19. Love the new SS Logo

  20. Loves the new youtube layout

  21. Mate a topic isnt neccessary for every transfer rumour you read. Just post the rumours in the Transfer Rumour topic of the club and let the discussions happen there. A lot of unwanted topics will be created otherwise. Close the Ronaldo Topic and move the post to Real Madrid Transfer Rumour thread.

  22. Messi in Kolkatta , possibly to sign for an Indian Club? :D

    1. Classic
    2. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      I live in New Delhi and the match was in Kolkatta. And I have exams coming up so cant travel.

    3. Classic


      Ah, good luck ;)

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  23. is in some foreign language for me. Thanks for all the wonderful stuff you posted.

  24. No I can not. I do not have the files anymore