The Next Berbatov

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About The Next Berbatov

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  • Supports
    Manchester United
  • Fav. Players
    Rooney, Ronaldo, Berbatov, Bastian, Smalling, Becks

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  1. Facebook killed every discussion forum and the sad part is I dont like / don't have discussions on facebook.
  2. @TelmoEsteves24 You might remember me from the MKB days. I uploaded a lot of Soccer AM showboat videos there.
  3. GoPro? Or Digital cameras in general. Dont think so they ll go out of fashion and manufacturing will stop. Smartphones are useful only for a few quick shots and people that like quality would always buy digital / action cameras.
  4. Another action camera, one might want to check out
  5. Realized today my organization is working with GoPro and responsible for providing them a lot of software enhancement and support. I'll have to figure something out for discounts now.
  6. I was glued to Blacklist for a couple of season but then just stopped watching it. May be sometimes watching all seasons in a row doesn't really let me enjoy the series. Watching homeland these days. About to finish season 5.
  7. What shows are you watching right now? I binged Narcos recently and waiting for season 3 now.
  8. Thanks. For some strange reason I was not able to find the air date anywhere.
  9. Anyone have an idea when Prison Break Season 5 is starting?
  10. @BVBfan1 Nice. I'll check it out then.
  11. I so want to buy this. All the awesome videos i can make with this.
  12. Other than fifa I haven't really played any other sports game. I did try out Nba 2k16 only because it was free for ps+ users. Is this available for ps4?
  13. I thought so. Only problem with 15 limit is I wasn't able to use "Manchester United" completely as a tag. Anyway, I'll use ManUtd in the future.
  14. Plus there are a lot of enhancements which one buys with a GoPro. So this will come up definitely when I am visiting Europe or US in the future.
  15. I am not sure about the additional camera on a go pro. Yesterday I saw a few videos of drone fails and was wondering whether it is good to spend a huge amount on a camera which I can break at the first try. Will wait for it though. Definitely going to buy a gopro but not sure which one.