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Everything posted by frstplce

  1. New Justin Moore album - Outlaws Like Me It's country before you look it up if you aren't into that. Couple More:
  2. Relaxing at the beach.

    1. frstplce


      You're better off than I am Tass. Two days for me and I'm home already. You have the whole summer right?

    2. Tass


      Yeah. My dad also has a jacuzzi on the backyard of his house. So relaxing.

    3. frstplce


      I have a hose with a lawn sprinkler. Not quite the same though.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  3. I have on my Xbox, but I rarely ever use it. For Internet radio I generally use Slacker, but that's also because I can use it on my Blackberry. doesn't have a Blackberry app.
  4. One skin can get boring, and I know some people would like something other than the red skins that seem to have followed me around for most of the last decade. Now you have a choice in the color blue. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page and change the skin dropdown from SS v1 to SS Blue, you can try out the new skin. I'm planning to add a few more skins in the future. Please be aware that new members won't have this option, only those in the regular Members group (5+ posts).
  5. Hey Sam, it's been a while. Welcome back.

  6. 99 degrees today (37C) with 40% humidity. So much for getting anything done today.

    1. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      What an Irony. i was bragging about how bad the weather is here at my place yesterday and it rains early in the morning today. Awesome :)

    2. frstplce


      Also a strange coincidence but we had a short but powerful storm come through late evening. Brought the temperature down a small bit but doubled the humidity. Oh well, one more day of hot before the cooler weather comes in.

    3. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      Atleast the rains brought some relief from the sun for us :)

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  7. Man, tough week to get in any game play on Playstation Network (PSN). For anyone who has yet to notice, PSN has been down since April 20th when the network was compromised. In the latest news posting from the Playstation Blog, Sony admits they don't know when the service will be back up and running. [source] Additionally, my own concerns lie in the details from various news postings that some of the attacks focused on servers containing user account information. I have found no details from Sony at this point detailing exactly what has been compromised. On the plus side, my Xbox 360 has been getting even more love this past week. Any of you readers missing out on your PSN access?
  8. Playstation store has been back up for a couple of days. Take advantage of the free games and PS Plus if you haven't already.
  9. I am mostly legit now. I will get it via rental with Netflix and if it ends up being really good I will buy it. I only bother with rips for tv series that aren't available to stream from Netflix and some harder to find anime titles.
  10. Will see Fast Five on blu-ray when it becomes available. It's already gone or almost gone from the local theatres already.
  11. I don't have a good feeling about the movies this summer. I went through my list of movies to watch, and almost all already hit the theatre and will be moving the dvd soon. Only the last Harry Potter film is on my radar for a theatre visit for the next few months.
  12. Maybe one of you guys that have the game could fly over the Bermuda Triangle and see if your plane disappears.
  13. My computer barely fits the requirements. Yes, my crappy computer can barely handle a game that came out 5 years ago. Oh well, I'd probably just look for things to fly into anyway.
  14. Most Network functions have been back up for several days now, and it appears the Playstation Store will reopen on the 24th. Sony plans to offer free games and other incentives as part of a "Welcome back" package for existing users. In North American, the games choices: Dead Nation, inFamous, LittleBigPlanet, Super Stardust HD, and Wipeout HD + Fury. Europe: Dead Nation, inFamous, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty, and Wipeout HD + Fury. PSP North America & Europe: LittleBigPlanet, ModNation Racers, Pursuit Force, and Killzone Liberation. Users will be able to select two titles for free. In addition: For North American users: *A selection of “On Us
  15. New skin is up.

  16. Alternate skin to be made available within a day or two.

  17. Interesting, I will look into it. Not sure why it comes back now. Edit: I think I got it. Let me know if you still notice the issue.
  18. That costs more money than it's worth. I just want to get that money back, and put it behind me. Not worth the trouble to give them any more attention. Also, to anyone that was didn't get the details on this earlier, keep an eye on the SS facebook page. I was keeping up to date posts on there about the site status, and I also posted an announcement on SoccerPulse, in case anyone thought to check that.
  19. Downtime sucks. Dishonest hosts suck worse. Sorry for the problems guys, hopefully everything works better now.

    1. frstplce


      Why do you ask?

    2. Classic


      chelsea fans are like this when they lose ;)

    3. frstplce


      Could be then. Or they are run by a bunch of immature jackasses. Could go either way.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  20. Like or dislike the video forum having its own category?

  21. At the beginning of the month, several thousand unused SoccerPulse accounts were deleted from the system. System resources are not an issue, but this deletion opened thousands of short unique usernames for others to register. In the future, these delete operations will be routine. So, don't want your account deleted? It is very easy to keep your account. Either: Make at least 2 posts on the forum where posts are counted (Word & Post games do not count). OR Log in at least once every three months. Accounts that have at least 2 posts will never be removed, and accounts active within 3 months time are also excluded. The only exception will be users flagged as spammers, who will have their accounts deleted regardless of their post count.
  22. Hi, this account was suspended as a duplicate account for a suspended member. Extra user accounts are not permitted for suspended users.
  23. I'm certainly not happy about this for sure. I do have a debit card linked with that account, but it is an account I typically keep less than $100 available on, so my risk is minimal. I have not seen any indicator so far that the account has been compromised. What I like less is the compromise of personal information. I am a very paranoid person, and as such I do not maintain any public information on any social networking sites or anywhere else information could be easily obtained. Fortunately, my information on account with PSN wasn't entirely accurate, as I have the wrong state set to avoid local sales tax. Still, that leaves my name, the rest of my address, birth date, and account name/password exposed. They have some major making up to do. I already have an Xbox 360, so most of my future game purchases will likely favor that system with the exception of system exclusives. I wouldn't want my account deleted though. When that happens all of the money I've spent on download content becomes worthless.
  24. Via Playstation Network email 26 Apr 2011.
  25. I posted this as an article that is available at the top of the page, but though a proper announcement would be helpful. SoccerShouts supports a customized browsing experience on your mobile smartphone. We have a number of options for visiting the site when not at your computer. Forum Access Direct Access - Supported mobile phones will load a feature limited mobile layout just by accessing the site from your phone. This mobile skin will allow you to browse and respond to threads without any added software. For iPhone users: Browse with Tapatalk. Tapatalk for iPhone provides full forum access on iPhone including ability to check private messages, upload photos from your camera and ability to search forum, etc. All with super-fast direct forum access at only $2.99. Use the official Invision app (FREE). Now you can catch up with your favorite communities even when you're on the go, with the new IP.Board iPhone application. Add your favorite communities for quick access, then browse with ease. For Android users: Browse with Tapatalk. Tapatalk for Android has most of the same features of our iPhone version plus other unique highlight such as Widget, Themes and Message Notification support. It supports Android 1.6 or higher. Well tested on Droid X and Nexus S. Tapatalk for Android is currently ranked as Top 3 Android app (Paid, Social) at the Android Market! For Blackberry: Tapatalk for Blackberry (FREE). Tapatalk for BlackBerry is currently in public beta testing. You can download it using OTA (Over-The-Air) method by entering in the BlackBerry Browser. For Nokia: Tapatalk for Nokia (FREE). Tapatalk for Nokia supports all S60 3rd and 5th Edition devices, that covers almost all the Nokia medium to high-end model! Watch SoccerShouts video content on the go! SoccerShouts member Samer has created an excellent app for viewing videos from iPhone and Android. These apps are free to install, advertising supported. Android version iPhone Instructions For Zune: Search "SoccerPulse" from your phone in the marketplace, on on PC using the Zune software.