Posted January 17, 2013 In keeping with the new pattern of quarterly update threads, here are the updates so far for Q1 2013. Also, Luke wouldn't stop bugging me to actually announce things, which I always forget to do. SoccerShouts Diet To better focus our efforts on active areas, the Kit Bag was shifted back to being a subforum of the Training & Equipment board. The Italian and Around the World discussion boards were wiped and all posts moved to a shared Other Teams and Leagues board. The Prime skin was also dropped. This affected exactly 0 members and no one was using it. A new skin is currently being worked on with a hopeful release date by the end of the month. Latest topics are still shown on the sidebar, but latest posts have been dropped. For similar but expanded functionality, just use the View New Content link at the top of all pages. Trim your links One of the newer features added was a Shorten URL link added to the top of all pages. Clicking that link will allow you to make a short link out of the current page you are viewing, or any link of your choosing. A number of shortening services are available, such as and tinyURL. Sometime this quarter we also have plans to launch our own branded service which will be added to that menu. Ads Just a small change to the ads so far in that logged in members will no longer see the ad that jumps around on the board index. In the near future, I have plans to test adding a block size ad within the first post of a topic but again this will be limited to guest viewers only. As always, Premium subscribers see no ads at all. Post Points Posts are awarded for creating new threads and replies. Creating a popular topic also rewards you, as you get points on replies to threads you create as well. Currently points are broken down as follows: New Topic: 1 point Replies to discussion threads: 0.5 points Replies in video threads: 0.05 points Points awarded to topic creator for replies: 0.5 points Some boards have slightly different point values, such as a large bonus for creating an Intro thread, and Word games which does not award points. These points can be used as an alternative to spending money to get a premium subscription. In the Points Store, you can get a month of Premium for 200 points. The system has only been in place for a week and some members already have 25+ points, so nothing impossible. Certainly not as the site grows and more posting takes place. Other Thoughts A huge thanks to Luke for a very generous donation this month. This money is being used for the new skin, getting the URL service started, and a well funded ad campaign to help promote the site. 1 person likes this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 17, 2013 Finally got this thread done Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 20, 2013 That points thing seems really cool actually. Does it count for old Threads or just the new ones? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 27, 2013 Sent by our server host earlier in the day. Server Move Notice Impact: estimated 10 min downtime ..... Later in the day... ][/b]PingdomAlert UP: Web ( is UP again at 01/26/2013 08:07:05PM, after 2h 3m of downtime. Guess I should know better than to go by a hosting company estimates by now. Still, they picked a horrible day to make the move. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 30, 2013 After watching for a few weeks now the speed of point accumulation, 1 month Premium via points will be lowered from 200 to 100 points. It should be noted that this value may need to be occasionally adjusted as points grow at different rates. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 18, 2013 Didn't expect to see myself using Premium account, that's just a surprise. But what was the purpose of it ? I mean I don't know points issue but I think I feel it's a little bit unfair to others who had points as well. Just thought is that possible to give my Premium membership to someone else or it will be complicated? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 18, 2013 Well, you weren't the only one to get premium. The way things were set up, 100 points was worth a month of premium if you cashed in the points. Since I had to discontinue the points system due to incompatibilities, I just gave those that would have been able to cash in the points the reward. Other than the couple of people automatically rewarded, the others who were close to eligibility that were staff were excluded, as they would lose all of their staff access if their groups were changed. Also, if you really didn't want the upgrade I don't see a problem with gifting it to someone else. 1 person likes this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 18, 2013 Well it does make sense. I know that mussambani got the Premium account as well and I think he thoroughly deserved it with all his recent effort here. I was just thinking maybe if it's possible I can reward with points\Premium account someone else? I think it was the option to donate points and in that case I can donate membership as well. I don't really need it to be honest, and I have some thoughts about it. I'm going to talk about it later and maybe put some suggestions about if you don't mind. upd: Saw update in your post. Well if it's not a problem then I would be happy to gift it to GalataMan. He's still around and still uploads matches so I think it might be useful for him or won't hurt anyway. I think he's the one who really deserves it and if this points were introduced early on no doubt he would have enough to get his Premium account up & running every month! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 19, 2013 I don't mind suggestions at all. At your request I've transferred the remainder of the subscription to Galataman. 1 person likes this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites