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Site Update Q1 2013

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Also you will be able to delete your own posts. I noticed this button just near the 'edit' one. Quite handy.

By the way, I see there's a topic visitors now as well and I wonder whether this statistics is going to change or it's just a constant view?

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Topic visitors is something else I was testing. It should be updated immediately and is visible in most forums. I'm not really sold on it being something that is greatly useful though, so it may not be kept permanently. You are also the first person to have even mentioned it and it has been up for a few days already.

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Yes I noticed it few days ago, just decided to ask about it now. And usually there's not much feedback about new things, especially a little ones. But what I really meant to is whether statistics is going to be change after will say, week or month? I mean I visited thread and see who did the same. After month this thread will be full of names of people but how about to reset it? Even manually maybe, just like it works with forums 'all'-read' button at the bottom where you able to mark all the threads as read? So after it you can see who visited this thread again for the recent times? It might be handy in terms to notice which thread is popular and which is not, and who'd like to visit it as well.

It is not that significant of course, I will peacefully live without it but just wondering?

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There is no reset, but the sort order is latest visit, so if you visit a thread and then view it again at a later date your name will be bumped to the beginning of the list.

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Well thank you, good to know that.

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This is likely the last update for the first quarter, but does outline a handful of changes to various sections.

Based on forum use for posting, many subforums have been removed. In the English section, the Arsenal, Liverpool, and Manchester United boards have been removed and all of the threads now share the main English discussion section. Similarly, Real Madrid was removed and combined with the main Spanish discussion board. The Humor subsection of the Lounge was simply removed, although the content has been stored and can be reactivated in the future.

Pending changes include the removal of the French discussion board, to be combined with Other Teams and Leagues. Other Sports in the Off the Pitch category may be removed, and the Training/Coaching board and subforums are also being considered for changes. For now, no actions are being taken on these Pending sections, but are being watched for activity as we move into Q2. should have more details beginning Q2 with a homepage for creation of short and custom url's. This will help the site operate independent of SoccerShouts.

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Wow I'm a bit surprised with all the removing in the discussion section of the board but completely understand this decision. It's simple few users being active for such a long time. Cause and effect indeed. But now having a look at the at least English discussion boards I feel there's such a big mess around. I think it might be reasonable to delete even more thread such as Player specific one, individual match thread and so on. It's of course may cause even more inactivity in the future but I think there's nothing to lose really otherwise some new\old lads & ladies will decide to join the discussion or at least share some conversations sometimes.

For the last couple of months I felt like I was talking to myself [in Liverpool's thread] but I kept posting just for my own satisfaction and kind of feeling of my own delight or something like this, though it might sounds weird. At the same time forums still comprehend many high quality videos from different leagues and competitions and moving forward every single day, with new cappers as well which is good to see.

Despite I understand that purpose of this forums are football videos I still think there's might and should be some place for different discussions, not only sport related maybe but something new. I think coming here for videos only will not fulfill the complete feeling, I mean that's just what does forums special. I can see lots of new members every day but only little of them are actually posting something apart from requests and gratitude, or even post nothing for many months and years. It's not required of course but will likely welcome. That's what can keep you here for longer than just hit the download link and then disappear.

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But now having a look at the at least English discussion boards I feel there's such a big mess around.

I apologize for that. I actually forgot to do a bit of topic moderation after making the changes. What I have done currently is unpinned all but the match threads, leaving the rest to rise and fall normally if they see any posting activity. Ben or an admin can make changes to the pins as needed from here, but it looks less crazy there now.

Something else I am in the process of doing is setting a cutoff date at 90 days for discussion threads. What that means in that by default when you view a board only threads that have been active within the last 90 days will show in the topic listing. The rest of the threads are still there, and can be found either by manually changing how much history to show or through search. But in making this change, users will no longer be presented with a list of topics that haven't been posted to since 2011.

As for posting activity, that is something we've continued to struggle with for a long time. Generally most members that have registered here haven't found us looking for discussions and so 'hit and run' from the videos instead.

So the best we can do is continue working on building the site and hope that as more members sign up on the site, more participate in discussions.

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No need for apology, I understand it's been done for good. By mess I just meant lots of topics which due to inactivity seems now kind of useless so I think further deleting will eventually take place. I'm here bit more than year so since then I see it was actual regress in specific sections of clubs boards, don't know how it was before, but seems like was better than now. At least I saw more people than just me, Ben, Luke & TNB shared their thoughts. Is it was on old Soccer Pulse boards?

Not sure about cutoff date but I guess it's ok due to easy surfing and it will keep forums more clean and good looking which is always appreciate.

As for more activity I think the main thing is just to keep doing it, make some threads, conversations and eventually someone will join, that's how things works I guess. I don't know many football related forums which been quite popular in that case. Anyway there's always some good topics about video games, movies, random talk or something.

One thing I appreciate anytime such as you keeping forums updates and changes. Good to know there's always something new and that board staff are actually cares about what's going on. That's the positive I believe so my big thank you for that. Keep the good work!

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