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Site Update Q4 2012

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I really love the introduction of @mention and the bottom bar with friends chat.

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I also like the arcades haha.

Cant access games from work though :/

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@@Lukemeister, is a faggot.

EDIT: @mentions work!

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lol, it certainly does. :lol:

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@BenMWard is gay.

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Not sure that will work Luke, since the BB code for member wasn't used. At least, the notification won't be properly sent.

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That's a nice update I must say. I noticed a thumbnail preview of the threads early and liked it. Also new themes are always welcome for me so looking forward to the upcoming ones, for now usin' Modern and absolute delighted with it!

Not sure how's @mention system works though, is it come on private messages or just other way? Well I'll figure it out anyway.

Also would love to see a tutorials, guess it will be quite useful & intersting stuff!

And also would like to know what does 'a monthly member spotlight' means (:

Good work guys, I appreciate every single bit of it so thank you for updates and for keepin' this place sharp & lookin' good!

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Ive noticed instant chat doesnt work when im logged in Facebook or is it just me?

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@BenMWard is gay.

The tagging system disagrees ;)

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