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Everything posted by Lukemeister

  1. Automated phone lines, you know the ones that put you on hold for ages, they really do my head in.
  2. You know it I said pink as well
  3. hotttttttt
  4. So any of you off to see anyone next year? Me February: Example August (my birthday weekend): Leeds fest eminem headlining ***** YEAH
  5. Yeeh looks interesting.
  6. I am
  7. I remember GTA 2 been like that loved that game haha
  8. Id bang Taylor Swift Pink
  9. Skyfall 10/10 amazing film.
  10. 30TH October is a tuesday?
  11. Ive noticed instant chat doesnt work when im logged in Facebook or is it just me?
  12. @BenMWard is gay.
  13. I also like the arcades haha. Cant access games from work though :/
  14. Going to make a start on my ultimate team later.
  15. I just hate winter -.-
  16. I just make sledges haha.
  17. That's true haha.
  18. That's sweet.
  19. Head to head the same as Fifa 12?
  20. Idiot springs to mind.
  21. Final goodbyes are the hardest :(

    1. BenMWard


      Stay strong mate <3

    2. Toño


      Just to cheer you up Luke, here's the some tune for ya^

    3. Lukemeister
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  22. 2 of my mates are really into PES haha