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Everything posted by frstplce

  1. Many paths lead to Premium now, and can be done without cost. Points awarded for new topics/replies can be used in Point Store. Donations also grant points.

    1. Lukemeister


      how many points do i have :lol:

    2. frstplce


      Probably 0. I think I only set it up for regular members, since staff can't buy premium without losing their staff group.

    3. The Next Berbatov
  2. Might have some success identifying more info with TinEye reverse image search.
  3. Okay, so we're not in the 90's anymore. It was a fun time, we had the Animaniacs, Super Nintendo and AOL. Then again, some of you may not have even been born then, or old enough to remember that stuff. So it got me thinking, why do we still have limits here like everyone is still on dial-up? As of today that is going to change. 50kb avatars? Try 350kb (500kb for premium members). 80kb signatures? Let's say 400kb for everyone. Upload space for attaching files is growing too. Because a few megs of space doesn't go very far anymore. Profile background images have also received a bump from 150kb to 600kb (850kb Premium). If you don't already have a custom background on your profile you can add one from your control panel. These limits are effective immediately, while supporting documents like the Posting Rules will be updated shortly to reflect the changes. So, time to break out those animated pics. No more trying to squeeze every last byte out of an image just to post it.
  4. Hahaha, we could go back to the older days of the web, like stuffing the keyword "blond chick with nice pussy" into an image search.
  5. Agreed, though it wasn't the last thing I watched. I do have the blu-ray extended edition set though, I just need to clear an entire day and marathon them again.
  6. I'd have made these changes sooner if I thought that's all it was going to take. I just sent him a PM on another idea somewhat related to this. Our enormously unbalanced male demographics here means we might as well have a bit of fun with it.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. It was bad enough when I found it. Now it happens to be right here every time I log in here.
  8. Well I can take the blame for this one. I found it for Luke. But regarding inappropriate, it's really no worse than the hotties thread in the Lounge. The long standing rule in this case has been no full frontal nudity.
  9. Thoughts on the new homepage layout?

  10. Was it file size as the issue before? Because image dimensions always allowed at least 200x300 in the upload. It was just the 50kb file size limit that got most people.
  11. Also updated profile background sizes. Bumped from 150kb to 600kb which should allow more wallpaper sized backgrounds to be used. Details added to original post.
  12. Finally just got around to a copy of The Hobbit. It was encoded at 30fps though so I can't comment on the 48fps original. Some like it, others hate it. I'll just have to wait until I can pick up the blu-ray. I do wonder if they will release an extended version as with the original trilogy. Overall though: 9/10 - Very well acted, but just missing a tiny bit of that spark from the original.
  13. I will have to look through the current skins to see how the left side user info looks. The only reason it's collapsed now is because on some of the skins that area was taking up 2-3x the amount of space posts were, which could be kind of annoying. The data is all being loaded at the same time as the rest of the page, so it isn't something that was done for speed. As for a new skin, I am looking at a couple of new options but I don't know what qualifies as 'futuristic'. Not that forums are exactly futuristic by design though. Also, updated Posting Rules. First update since March 2010. Just wow. Updates include the revision on size limits and revised language on posting for a younger audience. Changes below:
  14. Well in a way you are done with drinking...until the next time.
  15. I did that. I was going to create an announcement welcoming the new year, but you beat me to it. So I just moved your thread here instead.
  16. Will keep that in mind. I don't really drink tea very often for the same reason I'd given up caffeinated soda though. I just don't handle it well. Now it is almost 9:30am and I'm still trying to go to sleep and failing, thus leading to more posting.
  17. Maybe just a concern for the future. After all, I could change the default to something ugly, perverted or crazy, and he'd still be anonymous male avatar guy.
  18. @@BenMWard, the sad part is that until about November I hadn't consumed caffeinated beverages in at least 2 years. But being a bit busy in the last month or so made sleep a bit of a luxury. I'm actually hoping to give it up again soon.
  19. Actually I don't drink coffee, usually just Coca-cola by the litre.
  20. I think I will soon be celebrating by sleeping through the rest of new years day. It's 8am and I haven't slept since sometime yesterday morning. The caffeine only works for so long.
  21. Just viewed the images separately, the one was the normal image coming from the themes image directory on the server. The second one linked above is the user upload space.
  22. So when do we start counting to 2014?

    1. Toño


      I agreed, after all it was you, Ben, who inspired us to get it ;) And yeah, I'm ready :P

    2. komodo


      Meh...How about we start counting backwards this time like a proper countdown!

    3. frstplce


      That could work too.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  23. That's a good question. Certainly seems like two default avatars, but simon17's avatar is actually an uploaded one.
  24. Stayed at home. Guess I'm getting too old to party.