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Changes to Premium Membership

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A new perk for Premium members is that you will no longer be subjected to our warning/penalty system. This doesn't mean Premium members are exempt from the same rules as everyone else. However Premium member issues will need to be referred to an admin for review. The admin becomes solely responsible for reviewing the account and following up with the Premium member regarding actions that may be taken against the account.

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In addendum to the above mentioned perk, Premium members will never be banned during the life of a subscription. Because you are a paying member, your right to view the content here on SoccerShouts will not be restricted. As before, the rules still apply, and abuse in posting or private messages may lead to restrictions on your ability to participate.

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Premium members will never be banned during the life of a subscription


That is sound pretty awesome to be honest ;)

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Seems only right to guarantee someone's access when they have given money to support the site.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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i should never ever ever be banned amount ive done haha ;)

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You get a few extra years of lenience. :P


I would like to thank all of you who have contributed in any way to the site. This support has been very helpful over the years in keeping this place running.

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few extra years haha :P

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