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What book are you reading now?

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That is a very good post, grandpa :)


All the knowledge of this world and even universe lies within ourselfs. The most valuable book you will ever read it is yourself. But to crack those knowledge up and reveal them, open and let them flow through, you need some source for that, to help a bit ;) After few years of constant reading I discovered that some books just speak about the same, only in different words. I have read many books of Castaneda and now reading Tolle I can see exactly, exactly the same. That's amazing.


However, sometimes books may just cloud your mind in uncertainty.

Here, as Albert Einstein said: 'Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.' ;)

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;) also knowledge from sources might never fullfill us...and easy forgot it very soon...not untill... :P

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That's the reason I keep lookin' for good books. It may not fulfil me, but awake me.


You can look at reading as a good way to train your mind. As our body need to be in a good shape and requiers some physical action, our mind needs some training as well ;)

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books is for knowledges (goods and bads)...yeah...we can use books for training our mind... :)

awake? um...i guess no need good/bad sources...

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last parto of the Game of thrones 5

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In the process of reading second book by Eckhart Tolle 'Practicing the Power of Now'. Really need to get back to that intence reading I used to and start a new book already.


Knowledge is waiting ;)

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I had finished Tolle's books some weeks ago and moved on to Tony Robbins. Already did read his 'Notes From A Friend' work and loved it.


Started today his famous 'Awaken The Giant Within' hard cover and it's gonna be quite a long read - almost 600 pages in there! :D

Statistics shows there are less than 10% people who bought their books, started to read from the very first page. What a waste of knowledge..


Anyway, I will reach the very end of it. Happy reading time ;)

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I recently read the Ormingat trilogy by Sylvia Waugh. It was fascinating to see people from the planet Ormingat working for corporations on Earth. It was a fantasy world in which your coworker could have come from a different world.

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Well, it's been while since my last update. It does not mean I gave up reading though. I have finished Tony Robbins' 'Awaken the Giant Within' and that was amazing and trully life changing read. I've sent this book to my sister and I am actually already thinking to get back to it and read it again. Very powerful motivation which use many practial advises to take a radical action. It is about original NLP but it goes far beyond that. Top quality.


Now Tony is one of my favourite motivational speaker.


I have already read another book, by Robin S. Sharma 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' and it was really touching experience! Loved it, enjoyed it and getting back to some of the chapters at my mornings. One weird thing I noticed, I can just see and feel so many connections between 'The Monk..' and 'Awaken the Giant..', there are even exact same quotes used by both authors..


Few days ago I've started 'The Quarter-Life Breakthrough' by Adam Poswolsky, my first digital book I've recevied as a gift. Finally using my iPad for something prodactive :lol: Goood and light read, hope to get it done soon.


I have also found 'Drive' by Daniel H. Pink in the pile of books laying on the floor. I ordered it some good amount of time ago and forgot about. I am gonna start it these days as well, need to challenge my motivation. 


So yeah, lots of knowledge ahead ;)

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Long time no updates. I'm done with 'Drive' by Daniel Pink. Very good, well thought and inspiring book that was. I even bought another copy for guy I work with. Good stuff.


I ordered four more books and have read one of them, by Brian Tracy 'Eat That Frog! 21 great wasy to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time'. Cannot say this book surpassed my expectations. Good and light reading, but nothing particularly new or life changing for me. Still, no coplains.


Started today a new one. 'Flow. The psychology of optimal experience' by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (yeah, what a name!) Loving it so far!

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