Imperial Ferg

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About Imperial Ferg

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    Manchester United
  1. This is something that worries me about the game, the Elite Service they're releasing. I'm OK with Map Packs being downloadable content, but if they start putting up things like perks, weapons, killstreaks as DLC I can see loads of people, including myself, get turned off by it. I am interested in Battlefield though, mainly because of the dedicated servers and the lack of killstreaks.
  2. haha thanks, I'll enjoy my stay.

  3. haha thank you! :)

  4. Hey mate welcome to SS, noticed you around the forums, if you have any questions or anything dont hesitate to contact either me or another member of staff :) enjoy it here dude

  5. Hello, mate. Welcome to the forums =)

  6. Some of you have played this game before given how big it is. Despite me loving the game, I'm already looking forward to moving on from Black Ops onto Infinity Ward's 3rd installment of the Modern Warfare series. What do you wish to see in Modern Warfare 3? Outside of the improbable that everyone wants gone (i.e no grenade launchers, no second chance, having dedicated servers etc). My Wishlist for Modern Warfare 3: 1.) Keep that killstreak kills don't count towards acquiring new kill streaks. Predator to Harrier to AC130? You're guaranteed an 11 kill streak with only 5 kills. I like the kill streak system in Black Ops because you have to work hard towards getting your Gun Ship/Attack Dogs.I wouldn't mind killstreaks being removed from the game altogether (as unlikely as it is). I've benefited from them as much as anyone else but it's generally the only way to stop campers from camping. 2 2.) Better Match making system. My god, this probably annoys me the most out of all of them. I've had one game too many where I finish on something like 35-6 just to be teamed up with a bunch of noobs and lose the game. Makes the game a little bitter sweet because I did well, but I hate losing in this. 3.) No Second Chance benefits when being shot at by a Sniper or Shotgun. If I"m correct (dunno 'cause I never use shotguns), shotguns already have that benefit but I think it's more important to give towards snipers. And let the quick scoping revert to Cod4 status, in MW2 anyone could have quick scoped. 4.) Kill streaks being decided in class set ups. So instead of them being predetermined by what you select in the Killstreak menu before a game, in Class 1 I can be running 3 kill streaks, and in Class 2 I can be running 3 completely different ones. That's it for now. Use this to discuss all Call of Duty games, not just MW3.