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Status Updates posted by RealMadrid<3

  1. i cant wait for tomorrow to watch real madrid vs barcelona. LETS GO WHITES :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      And mourinho didnt take it nicely.

    3. RealMadrid<3


      haha hadnt seen comments. yea mourinho didnt take it well at all, it was pretty funny tho. and yeaa we lost :/ itss all goooood! :D

    4. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      It is much easier to accept a defeat a couple of months later.

  2. i cant wait for tomorrow to watch real madrid vs barcelona. LETS GO WHITES :D

  3. i cant wait for tomorrow to watch real madrid vs barcelona. LETS GO WHITES :D

  4. i cant wait for tomorrow to watch real madrid vs barcelona. LETS GO WHITES :D

  5. i cant wait for tomorrow to watch real madrid vs barcelona. LETS GO WHITES :D

  6. i cant wait for tomorrow to watch real madrid vs barcelona. LETS GO WHITES :D

  7. i cant wait for tomorrow to watch real madrid vs barcelona. LETS GO WHITES :D

  8. How bout Madrid's preseason game last night? PRETTY GREAT HUH? :P GET READY BARCAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      Ronaldo goal was special.

    2. Classic


      WE'RE READY!!!!!!!

    3. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      Ya Barca are ready to pay the ransom for kidnapped Fabregas :P

  9. haha that be crazy if they get both. You should be good with just one haha :)

  10. i cant say i know too much about phil jones, but a big name would be great for united, i think wesley shneider sounds awesome but who knows if he'll go. who are you hoping for?

  11. another great signing for them would make them alot more threatning i think.. just who tho??

  12. Yup, hopefully Mourinho does excellent this second season.&You're right... premier league will be pretty tough, especially with the new signings that United will be bringing in and the fresh season for Torres. However, this season im going for Liverpool, mainly cuz of Luis Suarez, but i just hope they really step it up in order to win next year, or atleast qualify for Champions League :D

  13. haha oh okk, its cute tho :)

  14. Haha you're rite still long time to predict, but I still expect Madrid doing really great and well you know they're Team is also strenghtening. But yea most of the teams returning are looking different and well pretty good also. &well yea the new teams in are looking good too. Idk.... but its gonna be a great champions league. I'm really looking forward to it.

  15. does anybody know why in i cannot do anything.. example, edit profile, post comments????

    1. Classic


      because I said so.

      nuff said

    2. frstplce


      The site is broken. That's a big reason why we moved here. I don't break things. At least not often.

    3. RealMadrid<3


      Really Eslamaher. Lol but oh okk I see, thanks guys :)

  16. inter shouldve won serie A. hahaha :P

  17. hey so is madrid's next game vs La galaxy? or do u know of another one coming sooner?

  18. HI :)

    & thanks :) i actually just googled love Madrid lol and it came out... i liked it since it looks kinda for a girl lol

  19. hey soo is that really ure cat in youtube?

  20. yea i wasnt really expecting barca to dominate so much. i was expecting alot more from united players also. i think vidic & rooney did their best. i just wish Rooney wouldve played on Barcas side of the field more. & well yea just gotta prepare for next year. Madrid's winning tho.. sorry :P

  21. i think i am gonna block u since ure a barca fan! lol jkkk im not hater to barca fanss lol idkk after this years starting to becomee haha :P

  22. lol yea i was wondering how else to reply haha but i guess this is how lol yea i was just putting them in my profile.

    soo coool ure a Man U. fan. What did u think of the final?

  23. @eslamaher: no prob. lol & of course Madrid fan!! Real Madrid to the end haha :) whose you're team?

  24. @Luke: haha yea id wanna go sumtime to england also. But if I had only one option for a trip to probably pick spain instead lol :P

  25. So, my b-days the same as Ryan Giggs!! Thats awesome :) it be better if it was like Cristiano Ronaldo or something.. But still cool :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RealMadrid<3


      lol thats not sharing it haha :P & cool, is it june 16th? what do u have exams for..high scool? college?

    3. Classic


      it's exactly 17 june. & exams dunno how's it named, but it's last year in school ;)

    4. RealMadrid<3


      oh cool. well congrats :D