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We've Moved!

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As of today, SoccerShouts is now running from a different server. Hopefully the process came without issues, but if you notice anything out of place please let me know and I will see about fixing it as quickly as I can.


So why the move? Well, SoccerShouts was running on our own server until today. It was somewhat costly, and fairly unnecessary based on the size of the site. Running our own server was a snap judgement a couple of years ago when we had a lot of trouble with a previous host. But along with that came extra costs, and the headaches of running a server (backups, updating software, etc). Now that I think I've found a very competent host, I'm convinced it will be far easier to let someone else handle the server admin tasks, as SoccerShouts can continue running just as before.


If you run into any issue with things loading, try emptying your cache and reloading the site. That should clear up any issues with things it might still be trying to pull from the old server.

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