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Everything posted by Lukemeister

  1. I used to be near enough unbeatable with Eddie haha i bossed tekken force mode.
  2. Haha check out Skrillex, he is awesome.
  3. Hahah i used to love Tekken 3 on playstation that was awesome.
  4. Ah sweet man who's your fave dubstep artists?
  5. Haha classic film.
  6. Ahaha is it worth watching?
  7. She's fineeee
  8. Shes fineeeeeeeee
  9. Ill bring the Bitches
  10. We are just going to keep growing guys.
  11. Sledding down that would be pretty awesome i must say.
  12. Pray for Muamba.

  13. Got the new Fifa Streeet other day, going to give that a try tonight.
  14. Damn shes hot.
  15. Dont you mean you guys drive on the wrong side .
  16. Ive heard of it it looks pretty cool.
  17. Yeah that is proper annoying.
  18. People who argue about thread titles
  19. I know
  20. Chavs in shitty little cars who try and race you then you have to show them up