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Posts posted by Toño

  1. Inception



    Man, that was an inception.. What a powerful movie, very strong emotions and urge to watch it till the end. I am still under a huge ipression. It felt like a dream for me, after you can hardly awake.. Even though I've got the main idea, I missed some details due very fast actions and talking. Just need to rewatch it few more times at least to get full concept and better undertsanding. But the idea, man..



    When you try to awake within a dream and be aware that you a dreaming, is amazing. It is called lucid dreaming and I have been studying it for a few years already. Still have not experienced it in full myself, but funny enough, recently I had wto dreams where I was sleeping in my dream and then I wake up, still being in a dream, understanding it, and then wake up in reality. So werid! I will get back to practice it again, as now I recharged my motivation, so to speak. 


    Cannot wait to watch it again, but full week of work ahead.. what a distraction haha. 


    Also, my question to native english speakers here, as the title is a bit confusing for me. Should you expound the word 'inception' as an origin, beginning or this is actually a biological term which means absorption? I tend to think about second as it's describes the plot better.


    Ellen Page played beautifully there. She looked so cute after that kiss ;) And my favorite of course, Joseph Gordon-Levitt! As a big non-Leo fan, I should say, his play was fantastic and deep. Good acting.

  2. That's the reason I keep lookin' for good books. It may not fulfil me, but awake me.


    You can look at reading as a good way to train your mind. As our body need to be in a good shape and requiers some physical action, our mind needs some training as well ;)

  3. That is a very good post, grandpa :)


    All the knowledge of this world and even universe lies within ourselfs. The most valuable book you will ever read it is yourself. But to crack those knowledge up and reveal them, open and let them flow through, you need some source for that, to help a bit ;) After few years of constant reading I discovered that some books just speak about the same, only in different words. I have read many books of Castaneda and now reading Tolle I can see exactly, exactly the same. That's amazing.


    However, sometimes books may just cloud your mind in uncertainty.

    Here, as Albert Einstein said: 'Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.' ;)

  4. Books for me the main source of knowledge, inspiration and, sometimes, the meaning of life. I have found some great purpose and desire, reading few authors. It's like Richard D. Bach said in one of his books, those authors of your favourite books may be your best friends. You does not know them in person, however reading all of their stories, you can actually feel them pretty well. Quite funny.


    Books can keep your own pace, you can read them while you want or can. I always liked to learn someting new, and even though it is not the only way, still, quite important one ;)


    As for places, well.. I would prefer go to places and see 'em for myself. Also for better viewing, I would rather watch some BBC/NG documentary. And use books to learn more about region, animals, culture and nature. Also, for the past few years I started read different types of books and there are more about 'learn' rather than 'see'.

  5. i'm seeking for seeking for books... :lol:


    Haha, that's a good one!  :lol: I am sure still seeking for knowledge. Today I have found a bit more. Sometimes you open a book and see exactly what you have been needed, like it was specifically wrote for you.


    As for others, I am afraid they looking for something else. 

  6. Started reading again and got back to Tolle and his 'Power of Now'. What I have read today just perfectly describes my recent worries and unability to enjoy the journey rather than seeking for destination. Here's some piece I just stumbled upon, quite funny:


    Carl Jung tells in one of his books of a conversation he had with a Native American chief who pointed out to him that in his perception most white people have tense faces, staring eyes, and a cruel demeanor. He said: "They are always seeking something. What are they seeking? The whites always want something. They are always uneasy and restless. We don't know what they want. We think they are mad."


    By 'white' people Tolle, or should I say, Native American Chief, means of course europeans, americans and modern civilization in general. And y'know, things still haven't changed much, we are exactly like this haha :lol:


    By the way, I would recommend to read Carl Jung as well, at least his autobiography. Quite good.