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Posts posted by frstplce

  1. Not a bad idea, though we do have outgoing links monetized with Viglink for non-Premium members currently. Viglink automatically links Amazon affiliates along with a big number of other affiliates. The thing is that other than outgoing links to file/video sites, we don't have a lot of links that would head to Amazon or elsewhere that would get the affiliate tag added.

    Here's the details on that as an FYI:

  2. I will let you know. My copy won't even be arriving until late in the week. From what I've read so far though it is supposed to be very good. As long as I don't get my hands on a copy of Halo 4 any time soon I will actually get through some more of these games. If I do get a deal on Halo 4 my backlog will grow as that will go to the top of the pile and I'll probably spend countless hours in online games.

  3. That's good news on RDR. I was hoping for an open world game I might actually complete, because I've heard it from several people that the storyline is worth sticking with. For that matter I will probably be skipping GTA V. Last GTA games I really got into playing was 1&2. :lol:

    All of the games I got on sale this week were Xbox titles. I pretty much do Adventure games, RTS and city builders on PC, and save the console for everything else.

  4. I haven't picked up Borderlands 2 yet. I think I missed a bit having never played the DLC from the first only for a GOTY to show up, so I am trying to patiently wait for the GOTY on the sequel.

    Dishonored actually looks quite interesting to me. I'm actually more concerned about RDR because of the open world nature. I usually don't play games like that, Grand Theft Auto etc, because I usually end up sidetracking so much that I never finish the actual storyline. I tend to prefer a more linear approach for story progression.

  5. The autumn Steam sale is already under way. So far it has been a lot of stuff repeated from the last sale so I can't say I'm picking anything up this time around. Not yet at least. Seeing Civ V GOTY for 50% off ($25) in the US store.

    I did get the GOTY for Red Dead. That was a matter of convenience since the game has been out for a while. I otherwise don't buy into DLC most of the time. I do play fps like Halo and will probably buy a couple of map packs. If I think a game is going to have a good deal of big DLC packs, I just wait for a GOTY. The rest of the time, I usually end up skipping them.

    Basically, I'm the gamer the companies hate today. Especially with so much 'free to play' junk. I hate paying for bits and pieces, and as a result can say I rarely touch those games. Just sell me a game in a box or digitally, and be done with it.

  6. Thanks to Black Friday sales, I picked up Dishonored and Sleeping Dogs at a very good price. In the matter of games that I knew I would get, but was in no real hurry, I also picked up the first CoD Black Ops and Red Dead Redemption. I almost got the new Medal of Honor Warfighter while I was at it, but needed to save a bit of money to actually buy some other people presents. I also figure that with the lack of promotion EA is showing for MoH, the price on that game will plummet quickly going into 2013.

  7. Removed sidebar ad on forum home to leave more room for content.

    Moved Teams & League discussion up higher to follow General discussion boards and place more focus on discussion vs video boards.

    Shoutbox will now appear on forum/topic listings, but should be blocked from appearing on other pages (homepage, videos, gallery, etc).

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  8. Sounds like one of the more entertaining movement based games. Enough to get me to pick up Move though? I doubt it. I'm still pretty much anti-movement controls. I don't own a Wii, a Kinect, or Move. Wii U isn't even on my radar. My biggest issue with those types of games is that they rarely keep me entertained for more than 15 minutes. For the price of the equipment and games that's really not worth it. Not when I can go pick up a copy of Halo 4 or Black Ops 2 and be entertained for hours at a time.

    Sure, I'd play Champions 2 if I were visiting someone who happened to have it set up. It just won't be making its way into my own setup any time soon.

  9. Been doing a lot of catching up in the last couple of weeks. Let's see:

    Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter: 5/10

    Prometheus: 7/10

    Expendables 2: 9/10

    Stolen: 8/10

    Men in Black 3: 7/10

    As usual, my ratings probably speak to my preferences for things going boom frequently, with Expendables 2 as my top pick in the list.

  10. I got tired of the default black. If you haven't been able to tell by the super bright colors for mods and admins, I really like color. So I decided members needed some too. Also helps identify at a quick glance what active posters we have online.

    I also lowered the requirement of getting out of New Members and into Full Members to only 3 posts. That restriction still exists because New Members can only private message staff to prevent spam.

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  11. That's a nice update I must say. I noticed a thumbnail preview of the threads early and liked it. Also new themes are always welcome for me so looking forward to the upcoming ones, for now usin' Modern and absolute delighted with it!

    Not sure how's @mention system works though, is it come on private messages or just other way? Well I'll figure it out anyway.

    Also would love to see a tutorials, guess it will be quite useful & intersting stuff!

    And also would like to know what does 'a monthly member spotlight' means (:

    Good work guys, I appreciate every single bit of it so thank you for updates and for keepin' this place sharp & lookin' good!

    @mention notification will be shown in the Notifications drop down at the top of the board if you are mentioned. However, notification will be sent only if "Notify me when someone quotes my posts" option is enabled in your control panel notification preferences.

    Tutorials would be started with just stuff about the board, but may be expanded to allow people to post stuff like video editing tutorials and maybe graphics type tutorials if our graphics section ever makes a comeback.

    Ive noticed instant chat doesnt work when im logged in Facebook or is it just me?

    I haven't noticed that issue, but I'm rarely ever on FB. I just figured something was totally strange with your account, because I looked at your account at 3:13am (my time), and it showed you active, but you weren't even showing on the active user list. Anonymous or not, I should have known you were there. Maybe refresh your cache to get all of the new changes?

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  12. Notification will be sent only if "Notify me when someone quotes my posts" option is enabled in UCP notification preferences by member.

    I have those notifications turned off for my profile, but if you have it enabled on yours then you should receive the notification.

  13. The top part of the theme is a permanent element. I considered changing the color, but that would effect everyone. Blue is fairly easy to match with the color picker, some others not as much. I too have a small glitch on the color picker, that once I select a color and click the check mark to okay it, I can't open the picker again. If that is the problem you are having, it works again if you refresh the page.

    I do have a couple more themes planned for the future, but there is an update to Classic I need to work on first, and a huge gallery issue with Create that also needs to fixed.

    As for Simple Blue, I've yet to find "the one" that will replace it as default. It's still a bit plain for my liking, but it did go over well. It is still the most user-selected theme. Prime, which was actually a favorite of mine, seems to have gone over quite poorly, so it seems the search will continue.

  14. Today I am announcing the general availability of a new theme for all members entitled simply, "Modern". A preview of the new theme is available below. This theme may not be for everyone, but that is why we offer several to choose from.

    Some of the features of this new theme include: reduced page scrolling due to use of hover for descriptions, faster thread loading with a reduced member info block, and a customizable color selector to add your own bit of personalization as you browse.

    As with all skins, you can select this theme for use by using the "Change Theme" link at the very bottom of the page.


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