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Everything posted by frstplce

  1. That is still out for now until the site picks up a lot more. I know the chat is better for live discussion during games, etc., but even when SP had 250+ members on at a time it was difficult getting 5-10 in at one time to chat. Right now we would all be practicing talking to ourselves (which I am actually pretty good at). :whistle:
  2. We have no payment system. We have no model that charges for anything. I suggest you contact your CC company regarding these charges.

  3. This is a restriction of the New Members group. On your 10th post, you will be auto-promoted to the regular Members group with full messaging permissions.
  4. It is somewhat unique, if fairly short. Of course, you can play through it a fair number of times as there are a number of different endings. More interestingly, if you wait a while longer not only will you be able to get the game even cheaper, but the game is supposed to have an upcoming patch to work with the Playstation Move controls.
  5. So much for my plan to call the group "We are the best and the rest of you are peons." I guess something like Legends could work. And I will apologize for even thinking about doing things based on a post count. That just goes to show how tired I was, as any previous experiment we did using post counts for anything other than promoting New Members to Members turned out to be a disaster.
  6. I'd consider it, but it has been determined that financial issues are not present, so it would have to be done in a different form. The only two ways I can think of at the moment are by setting a reasonably high post count promotion, or by having team members select outstanding members for group recognition. If you have any other suggestions, let me know. It's 4am so I'm not thinking as clearly as I might be in the pm hours.
  7. Okay it seems to be set up properly now. Rather than creating a special tag, I'm using the built in media tag. It is easier since you can copy the entire url from your browser. [media][/media] Inside of the Media tag you can also enter add photo sets for Flickr, as well as Google Video, Myspace video, and Youtube, using the same format of entering the full url inside the media tag.
  8. Thanks for that. I've set them up for Youtube and Myspace in the past, but wasn't sure on the exact details for Facebook, such as whether the height/width dimensions were always the same or if it required additional variables.
  9. Let me work that out tonight. A specific new code would need to be written to handle that. I'm assuming that in, the /v/ part is always the same and only the number changes? Sorry but I have no experience with Facebook. For display purposes, do the width and height variables always remain the same? If not it will be more difficult for people to easily embed this, as the code would need to be something like [fbvideo]32593598237,400,224[/fbvideo]
  10. Posting of copyrighted materials is prohibited.