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Posts posted by BenMWard

  1. I am currently reading Jonathan Wilson's updated and revised Inverting the Pyramid. I am really enjoying this book. I find it quite entertaining. Only problem is I am learning so much and retaining so little!


    I thought about picking that up. What exactly does it entail? Is it just a history of tactics?

  2. Aw man, seeing this thread made me fire up my Kindle and start reading some books that I've never got round to.


    I haven't read consistently in a few years, like you I used to love it when I was young but it's just drifted away from me. I'm determined to get back into it and I've just started on the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson.


    As for my preferred genre, I've always been a huge fan of fantasy, especially long drawn out series. I've read many other genres and read some incredible books in them but I'm always drawn back to fantasy. Honestly, I've never heard of Carlos Castaneda, what type of books does he right and why exactly do they appeal to you?


    E-book vs paper doesn't matter too much to me. My very favorite books are all paper backs as I love having a physical copy of something I really enjoyed, although I got a Kindle last year and that is picking up some speed with my personal library as it's just so convenient.