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Hi, can someone please help me and upload LFC world episode 1.

i know it is free on LFCTV but i want to download it and watch it on my tv.

already tried with getflv. but cannot download it.


and bout quality video I don't mind too.

it will better on my TV :)


Thanks so much

Edited by liverpooldrago

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hey fobiuz, thanks for asking our opinion on the quality and size of your uploads. For me file size is not an issue and I would prefer higher quality video, though if you could i would prefer not needing to register and pay with uploaded for large files. but in the end of the day what you are doing for us is free and i am grateful for that, so what ever is easy for you. Thanks.   

Edited by tezlfc
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Great Thanks #fobiuz.fr



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Thank you for feedback, mate. I am not sure what do you mean by not needing register and pay for, but Mediafire provides free and equal download speed for all users, whether you have free account or paid one. You don't even need to have it and still will be able to enjoy all benefits without any registration, equal dl speed, multiply downloads per once, no restrictions.


As for file size, I can upload upto 10 gb in one single link on my account, though it may take some good time. I can also split large files into few and upload in parts, so there are few options. The only one downfall I see now is my storage space. With increased file size in more than twice, free space will be fills up x2 time faster, ergo I will run out of this space faster as well. But I will try it and see, I am not going to keep every single video forever anyway.


Just don't know what is better - keep full match in one single link or just split it.


@@momo 99,

Yep, my pleasure mate ;)

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Thanks so much fobiuz.....


You are the best :emo6c:


Thanks so Much....


i'm downloading right now :lol:

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There have been some changes on LFC TV recently, so let's talk a bit about them.


As you might already noticed from my and Tai latest uploads, quality of all videos has been increased. I know, some of the interviews + things like LFC World are usually were in high resolution, however from this Monday every single video available in better quality (at least every one I tried), from game footage to shows, interviews, etc. It will however 'cost' you the size of the file. It won't be that much bigger for regular uploads, however will significantly affect full match videos.


For instance, resolution now 960x528 (was 768x432), bit rate is about 2600 Kbps (was ~1100 Kbps). I am not sure but I think bit rate is what affected size that much. It was increased x2 times, and usual size of the full game now about 1,8 gb (was ~ 800/900 mb). So as much as twice. However, now it looks quite good. I compared two videos on one screen and changes are noticable. It is not full hd, but proper, very good quality SD. You will no longer see that 'blur' effect and picture is quite clear now.


So I came to the main point, whether it will be fine for you to donwload almost 2 gb file or not. I know not so many of you usually download it, however who do - what do you guys/girls think of it? It will take me more time to upload it, so I might actually split video into 2-3 parts for easy acces. I can also try to compress video and convert it into .mkv, which I actually already tried, but file still will be about ~1,5 gb and frankly I do not want to decrease the quality.


Anyway, let me know what do you think. And if numbers does not speak well for you, here's the example of quality. I cutted this goal from WBA game (with better quality), so that's how it will look like:



I'm happy to take the videos however they come!

Increased file size is not something I'd complain about.

I appreciate everyone's efforts on here.


Goal Rush: Arsenal


A collection of the best Liverpool goals scored versus Arsenal

Video Length: 11:08



Hi Tai Nguyen,

Firstly, thank you for your effort in uploading this Arsenal Goal Rush video.

I wonder if you  - or anyone else for that matter - could upload the video again?

I had problems with very stuttering video when watching.

Never get tired of watching Liverpool score against Arsenal!

Many thanks.

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