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Posts posted by beinitez

  1. Thanks, tono 

    in some country,somebody can't Subscripte LFCTV radio,just like me,becuase they must over the wall of internet,

    we can't surf the Internet properly,

    All videos from here,  I just watch it by myself.

    I will never sell them.


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  2. 8 minutes ago, Toño said:

    Hey guys! My apologies for disappearing without any notification - I traveled to visit my family and to deal with some real life stuff and I guess, I was just trying to find myself again. Now I'm back home, back to my pc and all the LFC TV videos. Super happy with Liverpool's performance and the way they play and climbing their mountain! I also glad that the guy with the thousand names has got you all covered, so I guess I can happily retire now. 

    Wish you all late Merry Christmas and Happy and Wonderful New year! Enjoy your holidays and don't forget about your family and loved ones! 


    Miss you very much!

    My tono ! ! !
     Wish you everything be good !

    Don't leave us, please !

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